There is then at most one solution of x' =/(/, x) taking a given value x0 E H for / — tQ
and defined in a neighborhood of tQ (Problem 5(a)). But in addition, if u, v are two
approximate solutions of x' =/(/, x) in an open ball J of center tQ , contained in I, with
approximations Si,s29 and such that u(t0) = v(t0) = x0> then, for any / e J

(Use the same method as in (10.5.1).)
(b) Let I = ]— 1 , 1 [, H = E = R, and let ® be the set of all real valued functions /,
continuous in I x H, and such that, for /^ 0 in I, \f(t, x^ — /(/, x2)\ ^ \xj. — x2\l\t\.
There is then at most one solution of x/ — f(t, x) taking a given value for t — tQ and
defined in a neighborhood of t0 (Problem 5(a)). But prove that there is no function
cp(t, e) ^ 0 such that, for any pair (#, v) of approximate solutions, with approxima-
tion s, of any equation x/ = /(/, x) with / e 0, such that u and v are defined in I and
u(tQ) = v(t0), the relation \\u(t) — v(t)\\ ^ q>(\t\, s) would hold for every /el. (For any
a e ]0, 1[, let /be the continuous function equal to x/t for |*| ^ t2/(oc t)9 0 ^ / < a,
and for / ^ a, and independent of x for the other values of (/, x) such that / ^ 0; define
f(t, x) = f(—tt x) for t =s* 0. Take u = 0; let v(t) = et for \t ^ a, and take for v a
solution of x' =/(*, x) -f e for the other values of /.)

7. The notations being those of Section 10.4, suppose E is finite dimensional and / is
continuous in I x H; let (/0 , *o) be a point of I x H, J an open ball of center t0
contained in I, S an open ball of center x0 such that S cz H. Suppose / is bounded in
J x S, and the following conditions are verified:

(1) There is at most one solution of x' =/(/, x) defined in an open interval con-
tained in J and containing t0 , and taking the value x0 for t = tQ .

(2) There exists a sequence (//„)« 3=0 of continuous mappings of J into S such that
un(t) = x0 + /(y, wn_iW) ds for n ^ 1 and / e J.
(3) For every / e J, un+i(t) — un(t) converges to 0 when n tends to + oo.
Show that in every compact interval J' c J containing *0 the sequence (#„) converges
uniformly to a solution of xf ~f(t, x) equal to x0 for t = /0 . (Observe that the sequence
(«„) is equicontinuous; use Ascoli's theorem (7.5.7), as well as (3.16.4) and (8.7.8).)

8. Suppose E is finite dimensional, oj and / verify the conditions of Problem 5(a), and in
addition, for every t e ]0, a[, the function z -> co(/, z) is increasing in [0, -h oo [. There
is then at most one solution of x' = /(/, x) defined in an interval [0, a[ c: [0, a[ and taking
the value XQ for / = 0 (Problem 5(a)). Suppose in addition that there exists, in an
interval J = [0, a] c [0, a[, a sequence (un)n^0 of continuous mappings of J into S such

un(t) = XQ -H f(s, un-i(s)) ds for n ^ 1 and t e J.

(a) For every teJ, let yn(t) = \\un+1(t)- un(t) \\,zn(t) - sup^n+fc(0, and w(/) =
inf zn(t). Show that the functions zn and w are continuous in J (use Problem 11 of
Section 7.5).
(b) Let t,t — h be two points of J (h > 0); show that, for every S > 0, there is an N
such that, for n 2* N,

- *,(' ™ h)\ ^ f w(j,